TWI has had a long history of developing engineering solutions in co-operation with its members for the safe operation of pipelines primarily for the production and transportation of oil and natural gas. In the current Energy transition/revolution there is an increasing drive towards decarbonisation of energy sources and reduction in methane and carbon dioxide emissions. The use of piping is prevalent throughout the Energy Industry and the challenges for providing piping solutions include economics, safety, installation, materials, life, inspection and regulatory issues. This event will compare the challenges and solutions pertinent to a wide range of applications and will include an historical perspective as well as an introduction to new developments in manufacturing, materials, joining methods, coatings and performance testing across an expansive range of the Energy sector.
Speakers from Industry, TWI and academia will address the existing and new challenges in the fusion, geothermal, nuclear fission, desalination, hydrogen production and offshore energy sectors and will compare and contrast the piping solutions and demonstrate where knowledge sharing and lessons learned can be used to short cut some issues.
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